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Time & Stress Management




8 hours/1 day






There are no prerequisites.

About this training

The training course which helps us discover our relationship with time and teaches us how to manage our daily tasks and the stress they accompany.

OTEAcademy offers innovative educational services that contribute to the professional and personal development of the trainee. With Business Training as the main activity, OTEAcademy plans and implements high level training courses and counseling services targeting cultural, behavioral and strategical issues.

Aim of the course is, for the participants to discover their relationship with time and to be equipped with tools and practices to manage their daily tasks and accompanied stress efficiently. This workshop familiarises the participant with methods, tools, exercises and series which will help him become more efficient but also not lose his peace of mind. The participant will learn to distinguish between anxiety and stress and will learn which to have as an ally.

Learning Objectives

  • How time is defined and what is our relationship with time
  • How and where is time lost
  • Learn to be assertive and say no
  • The importance of setting priorities straight
  • What are the consequences of wrongful time management
  • What distinguishes stress from anxiety
  • Learn the importance of finding yourself
  • What is the importance of relationships in our daily lives

They said about us

  • Ανώνυμο

    Θεωρω ότι είναι ότι πιο ενδιαφέρον έχω παρακολουθήσει το τελευταίο έτος της ζωής μου. Γεμάτο δράση και απλές κατανοητλες σε όλους. Θα το σύστηνα σε άτομα ανεπιφύλακτα.

  • Βασιλική Λαλλά

    Πολύ ενδιαφέρον, με ρεαλιστικά παραδείγματα, σίγουρα προσφέρει τροφή για σκέψη.

  • Ανώνυμο

    Εξερευνείς πτυχές του εαυτού σου και τον τρόπο σκέψης των γύρω σου. Εμπλουτίζεις τις γνώσεις σου στο μυστήριο κομμάτι της επικοινωνίας!! Έλα και εσυ!!