Effective Meetings - OTEAcademy
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Effective Meetings


8 hours/1 day






There are no prerequisites.

About this training

The training course for successful and effective meetings for both the organiser and the participant.

OTEAcademy makes use of Love2Learn methodology for personal and group development trainings. A different approach to professional training, a blend of reasoning and emotions. Love2Learn methodology combines traditional and alternative innovative training techniques, which make Love2Learn experience unique!

Aim of this workshop is for the participants to get familiar and experiment with the tools that make business meetings effective, either in the role of the organiser, or in the role of the participant. They will learn how to be well prepared before conducting meetings, how to develop and structure the desired context they want to present and how to conclude and gather what is said.

Learning Objectives

  • The importance and the purpose of organising meetings
  • This selection of the right elements that make meetings successful
  • Effective organisation before, during, and at the end of meetings
  • The necessity of organising meetings
  • Types of meetings
  • Basic preparation elements for the organisation and the participant
  • Tips for effective meeting management during its conduction
  • Steps for planning the next meetings
  • Evaluation of meetings
  • Active participation in meetings simulation

They said about us

  • Συμεών Οβαδίας

    Νέα γνώση με χρήση ρεαλιστικών καταστάσεων ως παράδειγμα για την καλύτερη αντίληψη μας!Νέα γνώση με χρήση ρεαλιστικών καταστάσεων ως παράδειγμα για την καλύτερη αντίληψη μας!