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First and foremost; Stay Strong!

In this ever changing environment it is crucial to maintain a sense of perspective, which includes Smiles (even while wearing a mask), People, beautiful Experiences and OTEAcademy who makes sure beautiful stories are created everyday!

Stay safe @OTEAcademy

At OTEAcademy we have ensured of designating our spaces respecting all necessary safety precautions and following NPHO’s (National Public Health Organisation) instructions.

  • Regular checks and professional cleaning of spaces
  • Natural lighting and ventilation on all spaces
  • Sanitizers and masks in key points of the building and inside rooms
  • Monitoring both employees’ and guests’ temperature
  • Provisions ensuring proper distancing
  • High standard catering services

In OTEAcademy’s 18.000sqm we aim to create a hospitable and safe environment suitable for trainings, corporate meetings, conferences and various business events.

  • Our rennovated premises facilitate a hospitable, flexible environment, suitable and efficient for catering service of the best quality.
  • The rooms’ complete latest technology equipment along with our specialized personnel offers the opportunity to host trainings and conferences through Webex and Livestreaming.
  • OTEAcademy offers the opportunity to utilise outdoor spaces as well. Our lively green garden is always available to guests. You may also, enjoy a tour in our outdoor premises discovering various ways, in which we are willing to organize jointly corporate events, trainings and meetings.

What if, I prefer to Stay@Home?

OTEAcademy offers the latest technologically advanced equipment which in cooperation with its specialized personnel is able to facilitate trainings, meetings and conferences through Web Conferencing Platforms, while simultaneously Live streaming.

  • Webex Meetings
  • Webex Training
  • Zoom
  • YouTube Livestreaming

This way, everyone can participate seamlessly from the comfort of their home.

Stay Tuned!

Contact us to schedule an in-person or digital tour of our premises, in order to choose together the proper services to meet your needs and expectations, to fabricate beautiful stories and unforgettable experiences!