Theme of the month - The Year is Ending: Time for Reflection - OTEAcademy
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Theme of the month – The Year is Ending: Time for Reflection

29 November 2023
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As we approach the end of 2023, now is the perfect time to reflect on the year that is about to end, and set new goals for the one to come.

This December, the OTEAcademy team would like to suggest a slightly different kind of retrospection, focusing on the new skills we acquired over the past year. With this stocktaking as a starting point, we can set specific, measurable goals for the new year that will enhance our technology skills, as well as our communication, collaboration and project management skills.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and soft skills, the value of continuous training is immeasurable, both for our personal and professional development.  At OTEAcademy, we offer high-quality, specialized training in both of these fields, and we are here to help you create a customized training program tailored to meet your exact needs.

Let’s gear up for a successful 2024 by investing in ongoing learning and skills development!


With best wishes to everyone for a good and creative new month

from the OTEAcademy team